Diffuse Transfusion from an Adulterated Existence.
`Sunday, April 5, 2009 {8:04 PM}

Trust...Double-Edged or Pure?

Trust. An idolised (revered, only 2nd to love) ideal that remains just that.

Trust is a twisted emotion isn’t it? We sometimes trust people that we never quite thought we could ever possibly get along with and form relationships that we cannot quite place. The relationships we have are conceptualised by society - Father, mother, sister, brother, aunty, uncle, grandparents, friend, boss, colleague, wife, lover etc. Our relationships are clearly defined for us from stage to stage. A colleague can progress on to be a friend, then possibly a lover, maybe after that a wife and, given the current trend, end up as an ex-wife. However, once in awhile we meet someone whom we find impossible to fit into this rigid relationship structure. Someone we know we can never let go but we know we have to. What do we do then?

Trust is the foundation of a marriage isn’t it? Every sane religion preaches trust as the key to till-death-do-us-apart marriages yet divorces escalate alarming. I do not judge but it saddens to know the magic of love has a lot less power today and is dwindling with time.

Trust attracts burden. Trust empowers us to be selfless but does not give us the strength to pull through alone. Trust destroys many because it becomes too suffocating for one heart wield alone. Trust tears us down and manipulates our desires, we fear to unload it for fear of accusation and worse rejection.

Trust when shared is a deliverance yet an oppression if it is suppressed. Even ideals have two-faces, what more me?



+ March 2009 + April 2009 + May 2009 + June 2009

+ The Legend Returns + The Story of a Smart Fool + Let us Compare...... + Caught with her pants down... + Afflicted Entities + Obession, Delusion , Derangement + God's Will? Hmmmmm....(Part 3) + I Wonder why........ + God's Will? Hmmmmmmmmm...(Part 2) + God's Will? Hmmmmmm... (Part 1)
