Diffuse Transfusion from an Adulterated Existence.
`Thursday, April 2, 2009 {12:51 AM}

The Story of a Smart Fool

Yesterday was April Fools Day and I wasnt really planning to elaborately trick anyone. I thought I'd just stick to little, lame jokes until I got a call from my friend. I shall not disclose her name due to the immense humialiation she'd face if her identity was uncovered but I'll leave subtle clues along the way.

The Story:-
I was at work yesterday and I got a call from this fren of mine, Beasty (secret identity – clue number 1). She wanted to play a prank on my church youth pastor. This was her plan: She would call my pastor up and tell him that someone had opened a facebook account under my pastor’s name and had posted offensive comments through that account. Beasty told me that she would call first and then I should call him just to emphasise the seriousness of the problem. So I said ok. Beasty happily called my pastor and called me back. She was like, “He was sooooo pissed. He really fell for it. (hahahahah) But now I’m scared because he sounded really angry.” I told her that she probably had gone a bit too far and she should call him and apologise straight away. But she was too scared and then she went for classes.
So i called my pastor up and told him he it was a joke. He went, “ Oh my God...hahahahaha...you guys ah....hahahahaha...you got me la..hahahahaha....oh my god....hahahahaha”. Then i told him we should turn this around on Beasty.
The thing about Beasty is that she has this arrogant air about her. She walks with not only with her face in the clouds but also her ass in the clouds (clue number 2). So we decided to turn the joke around on her. Pastor pretended he made a police report and he told Beasty about it. And then I messaged her saying Pastor is fuming mad.

To cut a long story short: Beasty eventually called Pastor to apologise and Pastor called me to put me on conference. This is how the conversation went:-

Beasty- “I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry. It’s just a joke...I’m soo sooo sorry.”

Pastor - “I am so disappointed. I did not know Praga was in this also”

Beasty - “No pastor no. It’s my fault not his..really... i planned the whole thing. I’m so sorry.”

Pastor – “ I already made a police report you know. They might call you down”

Beasty – “But pastor you can withdraw the report. I mean..um..but...nvm...i’ll go down and tell them it was a prank..but u can withdraw it pastor..(on the verge of tears)”


Beasty – “I knew it..i knew it!! I smelt something fishy!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh........i almost urine in my pants your know pastor....ahhhhhhhhhhh...”

She went on for another 10 mins but i’ll just end it there. Most of it was about how she smelt something fishy and that she almost urined in her pants (hmmmm...maybe her urine smells like fish – clue number 3). So there you have it, an April Fools day story.

Moral of the Story you ask? Walk with your ass in the clouds and someone WILL stick something in.



+ March 2009 + April 2009 + May 2009 + June 2009

+ Let us Compare...... + Caught with her pants down... + Afflicted Entities + Obession, Delusion , Derangement + God's Will? Hmmmmm....(Part 3) + I Wonder why........ + God's Will? Hmmmmmmmmm...(Part 2) + God's Will? Hmmmmmm... (Part 1)
