Diffuse Transfusion from an Adulterated Existence.
`Monday, April 20, 2009 {9:37 PM}

Define Love

It is no secret that love is the most sought after feeling for us. Everyone yearns for it, some with discretion and most with desperation.

Looking around us and we find people falling in and out of love with ferocity; determined to secure the love of their life through a acclerated filtration process. I had a friend who told me once, "Well..i liked her alot but it just didnt work out between us" and I asked him,"How did it work out in the beginning then?" and he said," I dont know da, it just happened." and again I asked, "How?" and he said," I really dunno da..sigh..I feel like drinking." And every guy knows that alcohol is a great conversation killer and starter.

Man is a flawed creation who that seeks to either embellish or polish that flaw. We seek perfection in routine but fail to realize that love cannot exist in routine nor perfection.

Can love be defined? I can like a woman's smile, laughter, character, personality, butt and what not but what is it it that i love about her? Can THAT be defined? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....

`Monday, April 13, 2009 {1:58 AM}


Too lazy to write..Came across this story...enjoy...

Law of the Garbage Truck

One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were
driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a
parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his
brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver of
the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us. My taxi
driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was really

So I asked, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined
your car and sent us to the hospital! 'This is when my taxi driver
taught me what I now call, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.'

He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around
full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of
disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it
and sometimes they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally. Just
smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their garbage and
spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets.

The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over
their day. Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets,
so...Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don't.

Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it!

Have a blessed, garbage-free day!

`Wednesday, April 8, 2009 {11:57 PM}

I was surfing the web on religious conspiracy theories and came across a website that left me severely concussed by the seriousness of its stupidity (link appended below). Please visit the website if just to console and tell yourself that there ARE
much MUCH greater idiots out there.

Moving on, I came across a video about faith healers and miracle workers. The video does a really comprehensive job about dismissing the authenticity of miracles and portrays the shenanigans of these miracle-workers. What makes it so astounding is not that these miracles are not true but how one man can hold so much power over hundreds of thousands of people yet only have a handful of sceptics. What is it that attracts them to him? The allure of a better life and the hope of redemption from insurmountable dilemmas i.e. diseases and ailments.

I have been guilty of having that hope too. I’ve been to numerous rallies and services with hope that I will finally procure the missing piece in my life. However, each time I left the place empty and bitter. The question that first arises is typical: Why does it happen to others but not me?

Eventually I gave up trying to find that missing piece. I realised that in trying so hard to get God to fill that hole in my life I had concentrated too much on that one hole when everything else is whole. My desire had been to engulf myself into spirituality on a supernatural scale but in desiring that I had forsaken my mortal life. This is when I decided that there probably is a God; I don’t know for sure and in all probability will never know. It is only with that recognition I began to see people.

In trying to find God, I wasted a good deal of my youth missing out on people. People don’t want a God, they NEED a God. What they seek from God sometimes is just love because the description of God is usually synonymous with everlasting and unquenchable love. Isn’t love also abundant within us?

The love that froths within might be overwhelming but it is when I try to justify that love that I lose my passion to be selfless.


` {5:22 AM}


Happiness, so indelible right after a depression. We all know that the greatest happiness that is felt in life is preceded by utmost sorrow. Happiness, probably the most acclaimed of all emotions.
One question though, which is greater? Happiness that come from within or happiness that permeates into us from others.

`Sunday, April 5, 2009 {8:04 PM}

Trust...Double-Edged or Pure?

Trust. An idolised (revered, only 2nd to love) ideal that remains just that.

Trust is a twisted emotion isn’t it? We sometimes trust people that we never quite thought we could ever possibly get along with and form relationships that we cannot quite place. The relationships we have are conceptualised by society - Father, mother, sister, brother, aunty, uncle, grandparents, friend, boss, colleague, wife, lover etc. Our relationships are clearly defined for us from stage to stage. A colleague can progress on to be a friend, then possibly a lover, maybe after that a wife and, given the current trend, end up as an ex-wife. However, once in awhile we meet someone whom we find impossible to fit into this rigid relationship structure. Someone we know we can never let go but we know we have to. What do we do then?

Trust is the foundation of a marriage isn’t it? Every sane religion preaches trust as the key to till-death-do-us-apart marriages yet divorces escalate alarming. I do not judge but it saddens to know the magic of love has a lot less power today and is dwindling with time.

Trust attracts burden. Trust empowers us to be selfless but does not give us the strength to pull through alone. Trust destroys many because it becomes too suffocating for one heart wield alone. Trust tears us down and manipulates our desires, we fear to unload it for fear of accusation and worse rejection.

Trust when shared is a deliverance yet an oppression if it is suppressed. Even ideals have two-faces, what more me?

`Friday, April 3, 2009 {1:33 AM}

The Legend Returns

The title next season is ours!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

`Thursday, April 2, 2009 {12:51 AM}

The Story of a Smart Fool

Yesterday was April Fools Day and I wasnt really planning to elaborately trick anyone. I thought I'd just stick to little, lame jokes until I got a call from my friend. I shall not disclose her name due to the immense humialiation she'd face if her identity was uncovered but I'll leave subtle clues along the way.

The Story:-
I was at work yesterday and I got a call from this fren of mine, Beasty (secret identity – clue number 1). She wanted to play a prank on my church youth pastor. This was her plan: She would call my pastor up and tell him that someone had opened a facebook account under my pastor’s name and had posted offensive comments through that account. Beasty told me that she would call first and then I should call him just to emphasise the seriousness of the problem. So I said ok. Beasty happily called my pastor and called me back. She was like, “He was sooooo pissed. He really fell for it. (hahahahah) But now I’m scared because he sounded really angry.” I told her that she probably had gone a bit too far and she should call him and apologise straight away. But she was too scared and then she went for classes.
So i called my pastor up and told him he it was a joke. He went, “ Oh my God...hahahahaha...you guys ah....hahahahaha...you got me la..hahahahaha....oh my god....hahahahaha”. Then i told him we should turn this around on Beasty.
The thing about Beasty is that she has this arrogant air about her. She walks with not only with her face in the clouds but also her ass in the clouds (clue number 2). So we decided to turn the joke around on her. Pastor pretended he made a police report and he told Beasty about it. And then I messaged her saying Pastor is fuming mad.

To cut a long story short: Beasty eventually called Pastor to apologise and Pastor called me to put me on conference. This is how the conversation went:-

Beasty- “I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry. It’s just a joke...I’m soo sooo sorry.”

Pastor - “I am so disappointed. I did not know Praga was in this also”

Beasty - “No pastor no. It’s my fault not his..really... i planned the whole thing. I’m so sorry.”

Pastor – “ I already made a police report you know. They might call you down”

Beasty – “But pastor you can withdraw the report. I mean..um..but...nvm...i’ll go down and tell them it was a prank..but u can withdraw it pastor..(on the verge of tears)”


Beasty – “I knew it..i knew it!! I smelt something fishy!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh........i almost urine in my pants your know pastor....ahhhhhhhhhhh...”

She went on for another 10 mins but i’ll just end it there. Most of it was about how she smelt something fishy and that she almost urined in her pants (hmmmm...maybe her urine smells like fish – clue number 3). So there you have it, an April Fools day story.

Moral of the Story you ask? Walk with your ass in the clouds and someone WILL stick something in.

`Wednesday, April 1, 2009 {2:13 AM}

Let us Compare......

Depression: Cataclysmic yet mandatory. It hits us all hard, leaving us on our knees breathless and bleeding; some don’t get up.

Two situations that I came across: First, an Indian man I met near my work place. I could not quite determine his nationality but he spoke excellent English. He stopped me abruptly on my walk to the MRT station for money to eat. Admittedly, I was peeved - I’m rushing back home like every other robot in town and he disturbs my routine to ask me for money to eat? I thought, “Bastard beggar. Bloody shame to my race” and I reach into my bag to take out my wallet. You know how life flings ironies at you in random? This was one of those moments. The man wanted money and I was pissed so I cockily took out my wallet when I shockingly (and I mean balls in mouth kind of shock) discovered that I didn’t have a single cent in it. My face was burning with embarrassment and I had to save a bit of dignity you see so I told the man to follow me to the nearest ATM. Instead the man said, “It’s alright bro! Thank you for being human. At least today I found one.” with that he shook hands with me and skipped away while humming a tune. I was standing there with my mouth open and my balls rolling away on the floor.

Second situation: An old Chinese man came up to a group of us demanding for 2 dollars to buy cigarettes. Naturally, we refused him and got caught on the receiving end of a tirade of vulgarities. To shut him up, one my friends extended a cigarette from his pack to the Chinese man. What followed was a lecture on how we should not accept cigarettes from others because it might be drugged. He went on for some time before leaving us to hound another group nearby.

Now, i’ll show you how life works and you be judge of its fairness. I saw the Indian man again a couple of months later at an MRT station. I was on my way back home and it was a queer sight really. The Indian guy was singing a Tamil song and dancing along for it just outside the control station. The man was obviously talented but people only noticed that he was demented. Soon enough he was confronted by the station staff and led away from the public. Few weeks from this incident, I saw the old Chinese man coming out of a Mercedes with a China lady by his side.

Moral of the story? Indians drive themselves to attain Made-In-India morals then they drive themselves mad and get arrested while the Chinese drive themselves sane and then drive a Mercedes with an on-demand Made-In- China blowjob service.



+ March 2009 + April 2009 + May 2009 + June 2009

+ Revelatory Betrayal + WHY?! + Define Love + Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... + I was surfing the web on religious conspiracy theo... + Happiness... + Trust...Double-Edged or Pure? + The Legend Returns + The Story of a Smart Fool + Let us Compare......
